About Me

Hello! I'm Brandon, a software engineer and product manager with a knack for crafting impactful IT solutions. Drawing on my varied experience in public health, science, and government, I bring a unique skill set to the table.

My tech journey began at 13 when I built a website for my video game clan, sparking a lifelong passion for web development and project management. My focus now is on harnessing technology to enhance personal sovereignty and financial independence, with a special interest in bitcoin.

A staunch advocate for FOSS, I'm actively engaged in community collaboration and project contributions. Beyond code, I cherish time with loved ones, indulge in podcasts, and cheering on my favorite sports team.

Glad you're here, and I look forward to connecting!



Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel. - Unknown

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React
  • Python
  • ArcGIS
  • Node.js
  • AWS
  • GitHub
  • SQL & NoSQL Databases


Have a question or want to work together? I'd love to learn more about your projects.
Please reach out to me through the socials below.